Resources for Faith Climate Voters in 2024

The upcoming election is on many people’s hearts and minds and it feels as though much that is precious hangs in the balance. As a faith-based, non-partisan organization, we stand for a healthy planet and a sustainable future, rather than for specific candidates. We are a community of spiritual leaders, environmental activists, and community members guided by the moral imperative to act on behalf of our sacred Earth and Creation, especially in this time of environmental degradation and worsening climate crisis. We're dedicating this page to offering ways of advocating and engaging those values ahead of this Fall's election. We invite you to join us in our work of being in service to a healthy, habitable, and sustainable future--for Vermont and for the Earth.

Voting with Faith



Watch This Space

This page will be used to share resources for faith climate action voters during the current election season. We will be adding materials as they become available to us, so please check back regularly.

Voting in Vermont

For information relevant to voting in Vermont, including voter registration, a list of polling places, and more,  visit the Vermont Secretary of State's website: VT Secretary of State Elections Page

Faithful Voters Reflection Guide from IPL


The National Interfaith Power and Light has prepared a reflection guide for faithful voters for 2024. You can purchase a copy or download a pdf version at Faith Votes Reflection Guide.

Additional Resources from IPL

National IPL has many publications and guides for individuals and congregations. We will include some of the most pertinent to and useful for making informed decisions in the upcoming election.


Vermont Interfaith Power and Light is participating in IPL’s nonpartisan Faith Votes Campaign which offers a number of resources. Follow this link [Faith Votes Campaign] to complete a short form to access BallotReady, where you can:

  • pick a date, time and place to vote (starting late Sept.)
  • research every candidate and measure on their ballot (starting late Sept.)
  • check their voter registration is up-to-date, or register
  • request a mail ballot
  • pledge to vote
  • get to know their elected officials at every level of government

Be sure to include your full address on the form, including city/town, state, and zip code.

Learn more about BallotReady®

A Matter of Faith: Message Starters, Prayers, Litanies, and Other Resources for Considering Voting Through the Lens of Faith

Politics and the Pulpit: A Guide to Rules and Regulations on Political Activity by Religious Organizations



The Episcopal Church's Office of Government Relations has a section on their website devoted to "Election Engagement." It has some excellent resources, including toolkits, bulletin inserts, reflections on political violence, opportunities for Civil Discourse Training, a section on "Disinformation, Misinformation, and Fake News," and more. Some of the material is focused on Episcopalians, and Episcopal congregations. But there is much food for thought for all people of faith seeking to be responsible citizens in a volatile political atmosphere. Check out their offerings at Election Engagement.