FCAD Invitation

Faith Climate Action Day is a partnership between VT Interfaith Power & Light, VT Public Interest Research Group, VT Interfaith Action, 350 Vermont, VT Natural Resources Council, and VT Conservation Voters. 


9:00-10:00am: Gather in Room #10 (see map to the right) at the Statehouse for refreshments, an orientation to legislative priorities, a training on lobbying, time to make signs and banners, and to sing!

10:15am-11:00am: Cedar Creek Room for a press conference. Several faith leaders and legislators will speak to the urgency of holding course and building momentum on Vermont's environmental goals and commitments: Later is too late!

[Lunch: You can either bring your own lunch or purchase lunch in the Statehouse cafeteria]. 

11:00am-3:00pm: Time for us to meet individually, or in small groups, with our legislators.

  • We'll provide handouts and materials to help frame these conversations.
  • We encourage you to reach out ahead of time to set up meetings with your representative. (Information on how to do so is below)

3:00pm: Our group will be recognized at the opening of the House Session. We'd love for you to join for this if you're able!

Finding and contacting your legislators:

Find a Legislator

How to contact your Vermont legislators - VTDigger

Join us at the Vermont statehouse on February 19th as we advocate for a healthy, just, and sustainable future.

Register below!

Please join us at the Statehouse on February 19th!

State house map