VTIPL News & Events

Register for the webinar HERE.
VTIPL's Interfaith Book Club

Vermont Interfaith Power and Light Welcomes New Coordinator
After a thorough search process, during which we received applications from a number of highly qualified and capable individuals for the part-time position of Coordinator for VTIPL, our board offered the position to Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder. She has accepted our offer and is ready to get started leading us in our work. She sends greetings to us and looks forward to our shared efforts to address the Climate Crisis as a spiritual concern. (See Chelsea's bio statement on our About Us page).

Read the most recent edition of our monthly newsletter Earth Care News here
To receive our digital newsletter each month, sign up here
If you would like to receive a print copy of our newsletter in the mail, please contact [email protected].
Scroll down to the bottom of this page to find
an archive of newsletters for the past two years.
FEBRUARY 28, 2024
We practiced the hymn "For Beauty of Meadows" to sing as we marched to the Statehouse. Thanks to Donna C. Roberts for the videos:
Rev. Dick Hibbert leads a rehearsal of "For Beauty of Meadows"

Finding Balance in Times of Darkness: An Equinox Lament & Celebration of Earth
Saturday, September 23,
1-4 pm
Rock Point Center
As Earth journeys in its September stage of sun-encircling, we in the North welcome the Autumnal Equinox, where light and darkness stand in a fleeting moment of balance. In that spirit, a group Earth caregivers gathered to embrace the light and darkness of these times what Joanna Macy has called “The Great Turning.” Our Finding Balance in Times of Darkness: An Equinox Lament & Celebration of Earth was held on September 23, 1-4 p.m. at Rock Point Center, in Burlington.
In this time of climate crises, many of us find ourselves living with chronic grief for what has already been lost or what we may soon lose: clean air, cool waters, beloved birds, treasured forests, vulnerable communities, not to mention our own optimism and innocence. Many of us long for the time, space and community to openly express both our grief and love for Earth and all living beings. This Equinox gathering created space and time to celebrate Earth’s gifts, as well as to acknowledge the griefs and losses we may be holding. It was a ritual occasion to step outside our busy routines and attend to the hopes, fears and longings that spring from living on a beautiful Earth in a profoundly vulnerable moment.
Facilitated by nature-loving Jewish, Christian and spiritual-but-not-necessarily-religious leaders from the VTIPL community, our gathering sought to welcome and encourage participants of all religious and spiritual varieties including friends who claim no particular spiritual identity.
Participants were invited to bring a gift to add to a sacred center around which we shared our laments and grief related to the Climate Crisis Earth is experiencing. We chanted together and were sent out into nature to contemplate, reflect, and be inspired. Following our time in solitary reflection, we shared insights, challenges, commitments, and hope as we were blessed to go forth, moved by a hopeful chant to continue caring for Earth.
Our hope is that we emerged from our time together having connected with nature and one another in ways that leave us newly energized for the many ways we show up for Earth and each other.

Photo from Richard Hibbert
Images from our Equinox Gathering
Spring Conference 2022
Limits to Growth: Finding Pathways to a Sustainable Future
VTIPL Spring Conference
April 24, 1:30pm - 7:00pm
Norwich Congregational Church
We are happy to share details of VTIPL’s Spring Conference, with the theme Limits to Growth: Finding Pathways to a Sustainable Future, which was held on Sunday, April 24 at Norwich Congregational Church in Norwich, VT.
Our Conference featured keynote speaker Dr. Jon Erickson, the David Blittersdorf Professor of Sustainability Science & Policy of The University of Vermont. Erickson has published widely on energy & climate change policy, land conservation, watershed planning, environmental public health, and the theory and practice of ecological economics. He is past President of the U.S. Society for Ecological Economics, among other distinguished roles.
This year is the 50th anniversary of the first publication of the book, The Limits to Growth, which was also the Conference theme. Our Conference was dedicated to Donella Meadows, the book's lead author and long-time Dartmouth College Professor.
Five videos of the conference (Welcome; Keynote; and the three Workshops) are available here:
Our thanks to Bob the Green Guy for these videos.
VTIPL invites those who wish to access the video recordings of the Conference keynote and sessions, but who were unable to attend (and did not pay a registration fee), to please consider a donation to VTIPL of $10-$20 as a gesture of reciprocity. This is not a condition for access to the videos, but an opportunity to support this small non-profit organization. Use the "Donate Now" button if you'd like to contribute.
Thank you for considering making a gift.
Jon Erickson, our Keynote Speaker

Jon Erickson is the David Blittersdorf Professor of Sustainability Science & Policy. He has published widely on energy & climate change policy, land conservation, watershed planning, environmental public health, and the theory and practice of ecological economics. His books include The Great Experiment in Conservation: Voices from the Adirondack Park (2009), Frontiers in Ecological Economic Theory and Application (2007), and Ecological Economics: a Workbook for Problem-Based Learning (2005). Jon is also an Emmy award-winning producer of films such as the four-part PBS series Bloom on sources and solutions to nutrient pollution in Lake Champlain.
He was the Interim Dean of the Rubenstein School from 2012-2014, Managing Director of UVM's Gund Institute for Ecological Economics from 2009-2012, and is past President of the U.S. Society for Ecological Economics, past editor of the Adirondack Journal of Environmental Studies, and serves on the board or advisory committee of numerous nongovernmental organizations. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the University of Iceland, and has been a Fulbright Scholar at the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania, Visiting Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra in the Dominican Republic and Slovak University of Agriculture in Slovakia, and was on the economics faculty at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute before joining the University of Vermont in 2002.
See below for description of his upcoming book The Progress Illusion, due in Summer, 2022
The Progress Illusion:
Reclaiming our Future from the Fairytale of Economics
We live under the illusion of progress: as long as GDP is going up and prices stay low, we accept poverty and pollution as unfortunate but inevitable byproducts of a successful economy. In fact, the infallibility of the free market and the necessity of endless growth are so ingrained in the public consciousness that they seem like scientific fact. Jon Erickson asks, why? With the planet in peril and humanity in crisis, how did we become duped into believing the fairytale of economics? And how can we get past the illusion to design an economy that is socially just and ecologically balanced?
In The Progress Illusion, Erickson charts the rise of the economic worldview and its infiltration into our daily lives as a theory of everything. Drawing on his own experience as a young economist inoculated in the go-go 1980’s era of greed is good, Erickson shows how pseudoscience came to dominate economic thought. More importantly, he illustrates how that thinking shaped our politics and determined the course of American public policy.
While the history of economics is dismal indeed, Erickson is part of a vigorous reform effort grounded in the realities of life on a finite planet. This new brand of economics is not only gaining steam in academia but is supporting social activism. The goal is people over profit, community over consumption, and resilience over recklessness. Crafting a new economic story, Erickson shows, is the first step toward turning away from endless growth and towards enduring prosperity.
Workshops Offered Were
Systems Change Frames for Climate Action Inspired by the Work of Donella Meadows; led by Marta Ceroni, PhD, Co-Director, Academy for Systems Change (formerly known as the Donella Meadows Institute), with Professor Jon Erickson

Fueling Our Homes: The Sacred and Profane; led by Jared Duval, Exec. Director, Energy Action Network & The Rev. Joan Javier-Duval, Pastor, Unitarian Church of Montpelier

Citizen Toolkit for Creating a Sustainable Community Through Town Zoning Regulations; led by Bob Fireovid, Exec. Director, Better (not bigger) Vermont

Many Thanks to Our Sponsors!
Efficiency Vermont
Lyme Green Heat
Norwich Solar Technologies
Sierra Club - Vermont Chapter
Preservation Trust of Vermont
Congregational Sponsors
Ascension Lutheran Church, S. Burlington
Charlotte Congregational Church
Christ Church Presbyterian, Burlington
The Congregational Church of Middlebury, UCC
Weybridge Congregational Church, UCC
2022 Green Congregation of the Year Award

"During the Conference on Sunday, April 24, 2022, VTIPL recognized the Weybridge Congregational Church as the recipient of VTIPL’s inaugural “Green Congregation of the Year” award.
Richard Butz, a VTIPL Board member, made the presentation, which consisted of a commemorative plaque and an award of $500 to be applied to “green projects or programs” in the congregation or community. Accepting the award were Daniel Wright, David Andrews, and Nancy Spears, members of the Weybridge Congregational Church.

In making the award, Butz identified this as the first VTIPL Green Congregation of the Year award which it plans to make based on self-nominations or applications starting in January of each year. Butz also identified some of the actions that the Weybridge Congregational Church undertook to warrant this award including:
• Founding a church "Green Team" in 2013
• Weatherizing the church
• Sharing Creation Care moments at the beginning of each worship service
• Celebrating Earth Day with a special worship service each year
• Having sermons on Creation Care regularly throughout the year
• Divesting the church’s investments from fossil fuels
• Receiving UCC Creation Justice Church certification in 2019
• Introducing and subscribing to the Interfaith Climate Action Network (ICAN) Solar 2 community solar project; participating in the Bristol Solar Community Project in 2020-2021"
Our June 2020 Newsletter has material and resources around the reality of Climate Justice as Racial Justice. Check it out here
Vermont Interfaith Power & Light Announces
Ellie Cressey Webster Memorial Fund
Vermont Interfaith Power & Light (VTIPL) is delighted to officially announce our newest program offering matching grants to faith and spiritual communities dedicated to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and doing their part to fight climate change, the Ellie Cressey Webster Memorial Fund (ECWMF)!
The Ellie Cressey Webster Memorial Fund was established thanks to the vision and generosity of VTIPL Board member Harris Webster as a way to honor his late wife, Ellie Cressey Webster. Ellie was a long-time member of the Unitarian Church of Montpelier, Vermont. She played an active role in weatherizing the UCM building and pursuing efforts to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. According to Harris, Ellie was a “doer” who was very much aware of the challenges to our Earth’s ecosystems and dedicated to achieving social justice.

(Ellie Cressey Webster photo provided by her family)
As people of faith and conscience, we at VTIPL feel a sacred and moral obligation to do all we can to reduce our contribution to the climate crisis, and to inspire and mobilize others to follow our example.
To advance our mission, we established Climate Action Grants, a program to support Vermont‘s faith and spiritual communities in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, thus having a tangible impact on the climate crisis. The program is made possible by the new Ellie Cressey Webster Memorial Fund and the longstanding Katy Gerke Memorial Fund.
Prior to the establishment of the Ellie Cressey Webster Memorial Fund - or, as we fondly call it, “The Ellie Fund” - VTIPL was unable to offer matching funds to all faith communities. Thanks to Harris Webster's initiative and commitment, the new Fund allows our organization to support any Vermont congregation with a feasible plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions and funds to support half of the associated costs.
Prior to the establishment of the Ellie Cressey Webster Memorial Fund - or, as we fondly call it, “The Ellie Fund” - VTIPL was unable to offer matching funds to all faith communities. Thanks to Harris Webster's initiative and commitment, the new Fund allows our organization to support any Vermont congregation with a feasible plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions and funds to support half of the associated costs.
Climate Action Grants provide matching funds to faith and spiritual communities in Vermont and 12 New Hampshire towns. Funds enable faith and spiritual communities to undertake these projects and more:
In its infancy, the new Ellie Fund has already matched funds for two projects. According to VTIPL President Ron McGarvey, "Vermont Interfaith Power & Light has a deep commitment to community. Thanks to the generosity of Board member Harris Webster, we are, with the establishment of the Ellie Cressey Webster Memorial Fund, able to extend our commitment to all of Vermont's faith and spiritual communities in support of their efforts to address the climate crisis." Eligibility criteria and downloadable applications are available on VTIPL's website at: https://vtipl.org/1683-2/ For more information about the Ellie Cressey Webster Memorial Fund and VTIPL's broader Climate Action Grant program, please review the webpage above and feel free to contact VTIPL. Please spread the word about VTIPL's new Ellie Cressey Webster Memorial Fund! Thank you! We are all in this together! ![]() Unitarian Church of Montpelier, Vermont, "Ellie's Church" |

Ascension Lutheran Church Cool Congregations Award 2023
Energy Saver
We offer our heartfelt congratulations to the congregation of Ascension Lutheran Church in South Burlington. They have been recognized as a Cool Congregation Award winner for 2023 by Interfaith Power & Light. Their award is in the "Energy Saver" category, acknowledging 17 years of work on their church home to be faithful stewards of energy resources.
Read about their award and the other award winners here:

Weatherization and Efficiency Rebates for Faith Communities
Thursday, February 23, 2023 7:00PM
Vermont Interfaith Power & Light hosted a webinar on Weatherization and Efficiency Rebates for Faith Communities on Thursday, February 23, 2023. The webinar was recorded and can be viewed at:
Use Passcode: h*C7G!bR
Weatherization (air sealing and adding insulation) is one of the most effective steps you can take to reduce your house of worship’s energy use, save money and reduce carbon pollution.
Bruce Courtot, Senior Energy Consultant for Efficiency Vermont explained how a house of worship, much like your house, loses heat, and what can be done, through weatherization to reduce that heat loss; save money; and, make congregations more comfortable in the winter.
Also, Rose Wall, Efficiency Vermont’s Account Manager for Northwestern Vermont shared how congregations can benefit from the financial incentives and rebates that are available from Efficiency Vermont when they weatherize their houses of worship.
Your donation will help to support this program

Climate/Legislative Report (February 14, 2023)
by VTIPL Board Member Richard Butz
Our Great Little State legislature is continuing to work on important climate change legislation that will enable us to edge closer to sustainability. Here is a summary of some of what’s on the table this session. We’ll provide updates on what you can do to help get these bills across the finish line.
Important Climate Requests of Our Representatives
- Significantly increase the amount of sustainable energy, particularly solar and wind, that we produce in Vermont and the New England mix. And we need to increase energy storage.
- Keep electric rates affordable for all Vermonters with particular emphasis on supporting low income and marginalized people. As we electrify the increased demand will add pressure on prices.
- Additional large hydropower, biofuels, biomass, and so-called renewable natural gas have no place in our energy mix. They are expensive to produce, add significant carbon and methane emissions, and harm people in marginalized and indigenous communities.
- Biofuels can displace food crops globally, raising prices and affecting availability for stressed populations, leading to widespread hunger and even starvation.
Specific Bills to Watch and about which to Contact Your Legislators
Note: titles may change in final drafts.
A Renewable Energy Standard (RES) that:
- requires that all new energy comes from solar and wind produced in Vermont & New England;
- does not depend on any new Hydro Quebec power. As HQ hydropower is maxed out, any new energy will come from Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) that are actually produced by fossil fuels;
- does not rely on REC’s that are actually exchanged for fossil fuels shipped to Vermont.
H.242 Thermal Networks Act
- provides a way to implement and scale geothermal and other thermal energy systems that are affordable, safe, healthy, reliable, resilient, and secure;
- encourages utilities, businesses, and co-ops to become network geothermal installers, providing secure jobs for gas and oil heating workers;
S.5 The Affordable Heat Act that:
- incentivizes weatherization and installation of electric heat pumps and geothermal systems;
- depends on accurate lifecycle accounting - all aspects of carbon emissions are counted from drilling to burner tip and all along the way;
- progressively reduces dependence on liquid biofuels, biomass, or so-called renewable natural gas.
Thank you for taking action for our future, our childrens’
and our grandchildrens’ future, and the future of Mother Earth.

EcoSpirituality Gathering
Second Sunday of the month at 7 pm, beginning January 8, 2023

“We do not know how to pray as we ought.” (Romans 8:26
“I don’t know exactly what a prayer is; …I do know how to pay attention,…”
Mary Oliver, “Summer Day”
Prayer by attention in nature widens our lives and experience of God. Use of the senses, the im-agination, and physical encounters with nature teach interconnectedness and reverence. These qualities are grounding for environmental care.
Let us observe nature on our own timing and ask the question,” Where do I see signs of God’s provision or presence?”
During this one-hour monthly zoom call for clergy and lay people, we will offer suggestions and shared explorations based on Beth Norcross’s book Start Singing: How to Form Your Own Spirituality in Nature Group [Sing].
Each session will include reflections on the season and short biblical or spiritual readings.
Beth Norcross, Center for Spirituality in Nature https://www.centerforspiritualityinnature.org/
Sponsored by the Synod Green Team, https://www.nelutherans.org/whoweare/people/greenteam
Email Martha Whyte at [email protected] for zoom information.
VTIPL Virtual Screening & Discussion of New film
"The Letter: A Message for our Earth”

Jan. 5, 2023, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Our first event of 2023 took place on Thursday, January 5, at 7 p.m. when VTIPL hosted a community screening of The Letter, a film created by the Laudato Si’ Movement and an award-winning film production team. The documentary features Pope Francis interacting with five leaders on the frontlines of the climate crisis…individuals representing the voices of Indigenous people, the youth, the poor, and the wildlife of our planet. The film is about dialogue and calls for a change of heart.
The screening was followed by a community conversation moderated by The Rev. Dr. Nancy Wright, VTIPL Vice-President, with respondent Betsy Hardy, VTIPL Board member.
You can view the community conversation that followed this screening here: Post-screening Conversation. Use Passcode: 9&2zWp++
Donations are welcome but not required.
Watch the film trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3EBHebH17Y
Reflection from VTIPL Board member Harris Webster
On Independence Day
It is understandable many VTIPL supporters get discouraged reading recent major news stories: Ukraine; COVID; gun violence; the January 6th Insurrection; ending Roe; and most alarming to me, the increasing divisiveness and the seeming lack of fundamental common values on so many issues in American life. However, I am refusing to write one more pessimistic commentary on today’s world, especially in this post July 4th period when we have just celebrated the adoption of our full-of-wonder Declaration of Independence.
In the above list of problematic issues facing America today, I didn’t include the one I believe is the most serious, the ‘Climate Crisis’, or as I would describe it, the crisis threatening Mother Earth’s ability to sustain life on our planet. I hope that I, you, the experts, our leaders, and media do more to mitigate this challenge, but as I just said, that is not my goal with this commentary, but rather, to look at the positives.
First, I have heard on TV and have read on-line various poll results that I find satisfying. The results ranged from a 54% majority to an 80% majority saying they would be willing to make a lot or some changes to how they live and work to help avoid the worst consequences of climate change. Congratulations ordinary Americans, especially considering that no U.S. political leaders call on people to make significant sacrifices for this purpose, but tend only to promise to provide jobs and subsidies if people do so!
I have some optimism these days based on the growth of meditation groups, spiritual movements, religious organizations and environmentalists who stress non-material truths. These folks value Creation and the Golden Rule and are worried about the worship of Mammon. I believe they should and will see how their beliefs and practices are an essential element in the movement to heal not harm our Earth, the Sustainer of Life.
I am thankful for the re-emergence of the wisdom of indigenous cultures which survived hundreds of thousands of years. I am thankful so many people are reading the book by Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass. There are a fair number of local organizations who acknowledge we are living on the land of the Western Abenaki. I hope we also adopt indigenous gratefulness for and love of the land.
I want to end my trying to be hopeful and optimistic by praising and doing some interpretations of our marvelous Declaration of Independence. I know it has flaws and weaknesses like all individuals, institutions, and gods do, but let’s not forget its strengths.”
We hold these truths to be self evident that all people are created equal [many indigenous and some modern traditions note that the evils of humanity occur when one feels and acts superior to another individual or group] that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, LIFE [each human life or other forms of life require a healthy Mother Earth], LIBERTY [both sufficient and limited individual rights, or as our Vermont motto implies, freedom and comm-unity], and PURSUIT of HAPPINESS.
“Having basic needs met, experiencing some, not excessive individual pleasures and basic community joys. If humanity commits to carry the ideals of the Declaration of Independence seriously, not perfunctorily, and commits to enhance, not undermine, our Mother Earth ASAP, we will continue to be blessed.”

350VT Weekly Update
This week, 2/7/2022, is crossover week, so Vermont legislators are working to prepare bills to cross from one house to the other. 350VT prepares a weekly summary of legislative action on key bills and this one is particularly important. As you read it over, pay particular attention to the yellow highlighting in the Environmental Justice Bill and the Clean Heat Standard. If your representative is listed for any of these bills, please send them an email supporting the bill and the recommended changes by clicking on the legislator’s name.
Ongoing Updates on 350VT Legislative Priorities & How to Call Your Legislator _ 2022

The Vermont Climate Council is seeking public input on the development of Vermont's Climate Action Plan. See the full schedule below, and RSVP here.
Help ensure this plan includes the suite of solutions needed to dramatically cut climate pollution across Vermont’s economy, and that it is equitable and fully funded. We urge you to attend one of these upcoming events to make your voice heard — and spread the word! This is a critical moment for climate action in Vermont.
The following events are important opportunities for you to provide input on the Climate Action Plan:
- Tuesday, September 21, 5:00-7:00pm: Elmore State Park Pavilion| 856 VT-12, Elmore
- Wednesday, September 22, 5:00-7:00pm: Emerald Lake State Park Pavilion| 65 Emerald Lake Ln, East Dorset
- Thursday, September 23, 5:00-7:00pm: Lakeside Park Pavilion| 32 Mill St, Island Pond
- Sunday, September 26, 3:00-5:00pm: Airport Park Pavilion| 500 Colchester Point Rd, Colchester
- Thursday, September 30, 6:00-7:30pm: Virtual event
- Tuesday, October 5, 6:00-7:30pm: Virtual event for BIPOC communities
- Wednesday, October 6, 6:00-7:30pm: Virtual event
All events are free to attend. Food will be provided at the in-person events, which will be held in outdoor shelters or pavilions to help ensure safety regarding COVID-19. All attendees will be asked to wear masks. You can click here for more details, to RSVP, and for links to the virtual events.
We hope you can participate in this important process that will help shape the future of our state!
Johanna Miller
Energy and Climate Program Director/VECAN Coordinator
Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC)
P.S: Want to know more about what we are asking for in the Climate Action Plan? Check out the latest Climate Dispatch! We are joined by Jared Duval, Executive Director of Energy Action Network, who provides a lay-of-the-land on the Council’s work — and highlights some inspiring energy transformation strategies outlined this week at their annual summit.
On September 27th at noon, VPIRG held a webinar/panel discussion with several members of the Vermont Climate Council, moderated by VPIRG’s Ben Edgerly Walsh, to discuss this process. You can view a recording of this at https://youtu.be/EABwP1g4EPY
The Vermont Legislative Season Winds Down - With New Federal Funding, We Must Act on Climate
May 2021 Update
(by VTIPL Board member Richard Butz)
This has been a session of great promise and some progress, made more difficult by the uncertainties of the American Recovery Plan (ARPA), that has sent $1 Billion to Vermont. Governor Scott’s plan allocates most of the money on large one-time projects such as Economic Development,
Climate Change, Water/Sewer Infrastructure, Housing, and Broadband/Telecom. The legislature’s Budget Bill, now in reconciliation, takes a different approach, but with many of the same priorities, and it will be interesting to see how this all shakes out. It is difficult to allocate funds when the feds haven’t solidified all the regulations yet. And the possibility that more may be coming in the fall if the federal infrastructure bill passes, makes it even more difficult determine how to spent the funds already in hand. (For more see VT Legislature)
- The Climate Council committees are up and running, preparing to submit the Climate Action Plan to the legislature by December 1. There is some concern that citizen input, particularly from those most affected by the plan, may not have enough opportunity for meaningful input as the committees work through the summer and fall. Stay tuned on this.
- (S.20) would protect public health by banning toxic PFAS chemicals from certain consumer products including food packaging, firefighting foam, ski wax, and rugs/carpets. This bill will be sent to the Governor for signature.
- (H.175) would bring Vermont’s bottle redemption system up to date by expanding it to include more beverage containers such as water bottles, hard cider, wine, and sports drinks. This bill passed the house by a 99-46 majority, against significant opposition from beverage industry groups and will move to the Senate in 2022.
- The Transportation Modernization Package was incorporated into the Transportation Bill, H.433. This bill will provide assistance for low and middle income Vermonter to purchase high mpg and EV vehicles, expand “Complete Streets” to make roads safer for non-drivers, and continue zero-fare public transit through 2022, and much more. Passed in both houses it is now in conference committees before being went to the governor’s desk.
National IPL Legislative Priorities
The following is taken from the May IPL Climate Advocate Captains Newsletter:
“Email your members of Congress and urge them to support a just and equitable infrastructure plan that cuts carbon pollution!
As Congress turns to rebuilding our economy, we urge you to support policies that will safeguard Creation, address the impacts of climate change on our most vulnerable siblings, and fulfill our moral obligation to leave a habitable world for future generations. Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities, as well as low-income communities, have been hit the hardest by the triple health, economic, and environmental crises we face. The needs of these communities must be at the center of any infrastructure plan.
Furthermore, the devastating winter storms of February and the massive wildfires of 2020 demonstrate the urgent need to upgrade our infrastructure, including our electrical grid, power supply, and water infrastructure to withstand extreme weather events that are becoming the new normal.” (For more see National IPL Priorities)
Of Particular Note:
- Modernize the grid, update water infrastructure, and expand clean, renewable energy sources
Sustainable infrastructure increases preparedness and builds community-level resilience to disasters, which benefits us all. We need to modernize our electrical grid, increasing its climate resiliency and ensuring it is prepared for an expansion of distributed renewable energy.
Too many communities, especially in low-income urban neighborhoods and in Indigenous communities, don’t have access to clean water. We must invest in lead pipe remediation, as well as programs like the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.
- The RECLAIM Act (Revitalizing the Economy of Coal Communities by Leveraging Local Activities and Investing More Act - HR 2156 / SB 1232 in the 116th Congress)
○ The RECLAIM Act will distribute $1 billion from the existing federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Fund to states and tribes across the country. The AML funds are already collected and ready to use to clean up abandoned coal mines and the lands and waters polluted by them. AML restoration will also promote economic diversification, targeting our neighbors in the most economically distressed coal communities across the nation.
○ States and tribes can use the money to develop strategic mine reclamation projects that are linked to development projects on the reclaimed sites. The
RECLAIM Act will assist communities struggling with job loss by diversifying their economies and creating jobs doing mine reclamation across the country.
○ This proposal, soon to be introduced as binding legislation, would invest $10
trillion over the next decade to facilitate a top-to-bottom clean energy economy.
○ It would also ensure that half of that investment goes to the communities hurt the most by our current dirty fossil fuel economy.
○ It would establish a national renewable energy standard, setting into law President Biden’s campaign promise of 100% clean electricity by 2035.
- Electrify transportation
○ Incentivize electric vehicles—from light-duty passenger vehicles, to
medium-and-heavy-duty vehicles such as school buses, to commercial truck fleets and more. We must enact policies that lower barriers to buying clean vehicles, build charging infrastructure, and ensure they are affordable to all.
○ Invest in battery technology and manufacturing.
○ Invest in mass transit infrastructure and electrification. Nearly 3 million essential
workers depend on safe, reliable public transportation—by extension, we all do. If our transit systems don’t make it through this crisis, it will be a disaster for both our communities and our climate. Congress should provide emergency funding to keep systems running during the crisis as well as longer-term investment aimed at expansion and electrification of existing services.
Governor Scott Announces Vermont Economic Recovery and Revitalization Plan
Ben Edgerly Walsh, the Climate and Energy program Director at Vermont Public Interest Research Group, distributed Governor Scott’s “Proposed Investment of American Recovery Plan Funds”, dated April 6, 2021.
Some highlights taken from the document
- Of the $2.7 billion aid package sent to Vermont, more than half is to be allocated to federal agencies, individuals, local governments, education institutions and others, leaving $1 billion for the state to expend over the next four years.
- The proposal outlines 5 major Buckets: (Numbers in millions)
- Economic Development $143
- Climate Change $200
- Water/Sewer Infrastructure $170
- Housing $249
- Broadband Telecom” $250
- The document stresses that “This is about foundational and transformational change, and resists the temptation to use one-time dollars to fund programs”, and the document states that “the Governor hopes the legislature will work with the administration to create a single ARPA budget, wait on expending these dollars in anticipation of more federal guidance, and use general fund and Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) first when crafting budgets and legislation”
- Examples of categories receiving funding: (Numbers in Millions)
- EV Infrastructure $25
- Weatherization$21
- Fuel Switching/Electrification Incentives $29
- Stormwater Retrofits $75
- CSO Abatement/Elimination$30
- Dam Safety $15
- Increased Shelter Capacity $12
- Rapid Housing for the Homeless $90
- Expediting Affordable/Mixed Income Housing $90
- Broadband Deployment $225
A copy of the document can be obtained by going here:
Governor Scott's Economic Recovery and Revitalization Plan
Johanna Miller of Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC) asks:
Will you take a moment to call Governor Scott at 802-828-3333 to thank him for proposing these meaningful climate investments and urge him to support ongoing action and investments at the scale we need to address the climate crisis?
Watch www.vtipl.org for additional reactions from legislators and Vermont NGO’s.

VTIPL Advocates for an Equitable Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI)
VTIPL has joined a group of 200 organizations in support of an equitable Transportation Climate Initiative in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region signing on to a Memorandum of Understanding to governors and mayors.
The letter begins as follows:
“We, the 200 undersigned transportation, health, environment, business, labor, and community groups and regional and state coalitions, write to express our collective position on the proposed regional Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) program that Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states and D.C. have been developing since 2017, and for which a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) committing to the program is expected later this year.
We support an ambitious and equitable TCI program that includes strong safeguards and guarantees for overburdened and underserved communities as an important part of our shared efforts to combat the climate crisis, protect public health, and address inequities in the transportation sector. We urge TCI jurisdictions to move forward with such a program, consistent with the principles and criteria we outline below, while continuing to work.”
What is the TCI? The TCI is a proposed regional collaboration of 12 states and the District of Columbia that seeks to improve transportation, develop the clean energy economy, and reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector. Participating states are negotiating details of the collaboration. In Vermont, transportation generates 44.5% of Vermont's greenhouse gas emissions, so participation in TCI could have a significant effect on our carbon footprint.
Read the full letter and learn more about TCI.
State Appoints Climate Council linked to Global Warming Solutions Act
As a result of the passage of the Global Warming Solutions Act, a Climate Council has been appointed by Vermont’s Speaker of the House and Committee on Committees. This means that the Council can begin meeting and begin the process of rule-making. VTIPL and our partner climate coalition members are pleased with the following appointments:
- Johanna Miller - Vermont Natural Resources Council, serving as a member of a statewide environmental organization
- Lauren Oates - The Nature Conservancy, serving as a member with expertise in the design and implementation of programs to increase resilience to and respond to natural disasters resulting from climate change:
- Jared Duval - The Energy Action Network, serving as a member of a VT-based organization with expertise in energy and data analysis.
The legislation at a glance. The Global Warming Solutions Act:
- Gets us back on track and requires action to strengthen communities. The bill requires that we do our part to address climate change by cutting carbon emissions 80% and achieving net zero by 2050. The bill also requires action to build healthy and resilient communities.
- Ensures a just transition. Climate solutions must reduce energy burdens and minimize negative impacts on rural and marginalized communities.
- Centers science and brings the best solutions forward. The bill ensures solutions that are guided by science and grow the economy while protecting public health. It creates an open, inclusive process that gives everyone, from farmers to builders to communities, a voice in crafting the state’s path forward.
- Uses natural systems to fight the climate crisis. The bill promotes the use of natural systems and working lands to capture and store carbon, protect against severe weather events, and build community resilience.
- Holds the State accountable. The bill sets deadlines for climate action and requires regular progress reporting. It also allows Vermonters to hold the State accountable through the courts if the climate pollution requirements are ignored, with remedy of required additional action by the state to hit the targets.
Vermont Interfaith Power and Light joins other members of our coalition in expressing thankfulness to members of both houses of the State Legislature for their action in passing this historic act and in joining together to override the Governor's veto. This act will ensure that Vermont continues to be at the forefront of efforts to combat climate change and address the crisis that human behavior has created. VTIPL pledges to continue its efforts to educate, advocate, encourage and support the people of our state and our nation in working toward a healthier environment for the future of our planet.

(photo by Richard Hibbert)
A Message from Johanna Miller, Energy and Climate Program Director/VECAN Coordinator
Vermont Natural Resources Council
First, a sincere THANK YOU to each of you, the organizations, people and constituencies you represent and all of those you helped rally to help cement this outcome. This was a collective victory — and true Coalition effort — and I’m grateful for and feel very privileged to work with such good people. I hope everyone can take some time to breathe, celebrate and recognize the importance of this moment.
That said, and I hope you do take some time! we also know there is no time to waste. To that end, I wanted to follow up on a few things to set in motion next steps.
First, if you haven’t already, please, personally, or if you can, organizationally, send thank you’s to the legislators who brought this victory home and overrode Gov. Scott’s shortsighted veto. Here’s how House members voted (103-47). Here’s how Senate members voted (22-8). And, if you are able, a special thanks to Speaker Mitzi Johnson and Senate President Pro Tem Tim Ashe along with any House/Senate members who voted to, finally, make climate progress, would be great.
Second, it’s time to reconvene the Coalition; unpack the news of what the GWSA means for our work and begin to explore ways we might collaborate again on shared priorities, help stand up and ensure the success of the Solutions Act and more...
Third, the Energy Action Network Summit is coming up on October 1st and several of our Coalition partners have been leading on (RAD, VTCHA among them) or participating in some of the “pitches” that will be put forward as ideas to transform our energy system — swiftly, strategically and equitably. If you are able, I encourage you/others on your team to attend. This will be a great way to get an overview of some big policy ideas and potential approaches Vermont might embrace for needed climate action/Solutions Act implementation. Some of these big ideas (which you can see here, on their registration page) might be priorities we’d want to explore as part of a potential collective climate action platform for 2021...
Thanks again for all you do! Please do share further thoughts, ideas etc on any of the above — or beyond — as we continue our collaborative efforts to make long overdue climate progress in Vermont.

Pope Francis’ Message for
the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
Shared from the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

Pope Franis will address the United Nations General Assembly online in mid-September and will convene an online assembly on the Global Compact on Education on October 15.
Dear Forum colleagues,
We are delighted to share a special message by Pope Francis. Since the publication of Laudato Si’ five years ago, September 1st has been celebrated by Christians as World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation and the beginning of the Season of Creation (September 1 - October 4), whose theme this year is “Jubilee for the Earth: New Rhythms, New Hope.” On this day, Pope Francis reflected on the Biblical significance of Jubilee in light of restorative justice. We encourage you to read his message here. As the Pope writes in his message, “In some ways, the current pandemic has led us to rediscover simpler and sustainable lifestyles. The crisis, in a sense, has given us a chance to develop new ways of living. Already we can see how the earth can recover if we allow it to rest: the air becomes cleaner, the waters clearer, and animals have returned to many places from where they had previously disappeared. The pandemic has brought us to a crossroads. We must use this decisive moment to end our superfluous and destructive goals and activities, and to cultivate values, connections and activities that are life-giving. We must examine our habits of energy usage, consumption, transportation, and diet. We must eliminate the superfluous and destructive aspects of our economies, and nurture life-giving ways to trade, produce, and transport goods.” Please also see these two related news articles: “Pope: peace with Creator, harmony with creation” “‘Creation Is Groaning!’: Pope Francis Denounces Endless Growth, Humanity’s Assault on Nature” Warmly, |
Climate Change, Our Faith Values, and 2020:
A Conversation Between Dr. Katharine Hayhoe and Rev. Susan Hendershot
September 14th at 3pm ET
Hotter temperatures, rising seas, and extreme weather events are a few of the climate impacts we can expect to worsen in years to come. At its core, climate change is profoundly unjust. It exacerbates hunger, poverty, and even political instability, disproportionately impacting the most vulnerable people of the world, the very ones we Christians are called to love and care for.
Climate scientist and evangelical, Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, will join Rev. Susan Hendershot to discuss the latest outlook on climate change, and how to communicate the climate message effectively, from a position of shared values.
Hayhoe is a climate scientist at Texas Tech, where she co-directs the Climate Center. She is also an evangelical Christian and the wife of a pastor in Lubbock. She has been named to a number of lists including Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People, Foreign Policy’s 100 Leading Thinkers, FORTUNE magazine’s World’s Greatest Leaders, and Christianity Today as one of their 50 Women to Watch.
Join the webinar and learn effective ways to talk to your faithful friends and colleagues about the importance of caring for Creation and voting our values.
Register here: https://bit.ly/Sept14Hayhoe
Hosted by Interfaith Power & Light, Catholic Climate Covenant, and Young Evangelicals for Climate Action

Update from Montpelier
(by VTIPL Board member Richard Butz)
- Achieving Justice with the Global Warming Solutions Act
VT Sierra Club held a conversation on July 15 featuring Steve Crowley, VT Sierra Club, Lauren Oates, the Nature Conservancy, and Jenny Rushow, VT Law School.
- keep global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius;
- reduce our carbon footprint 26% below 1990 level by 2025;
- reduce our carbon footprint 40% below 2005 level by 2030; and
- reduce it by 80% below 2005 level by 2050.
· Mechanism:
A Climate Council, comprised of 22 members, some appointed by the governor and some by the legislature, will develop rules to accomplish goals.
· Enforcement:
Citizens can bring action against the State if goals & timetables aren't met.
The House bill specified a $1M budget over two years for staff. The Senate Finance Committee removed funding until the final budget is decided in Aug./Sept. as was the case with other bills. Lauren stated that VT is coming late to the game. We are the highest carbon dioxide emitter per capita in New England with our numbers increasing. The major culprit is transportation, as we use much imported hydro for electricity. Jenny said that while Vermont is late, the bill is informed by previous climate bills in CA and MA, and is a major improvement over those bills in its enforcement clause. The general consensus is that the bill is a good step forward. Though the audience expressed concern that it’s not fast enough given the severity of the impending climate.
- Pandemic Impact
A legislator has commented that the state could be facing a 22% budget cut due to lost revenue, seriously impacting everything. - What Can We Do?
Plan to contact you legislators and Governor Scott toward the end of August to let them know you want the Global Climate Solutions Act passed this Fall. - A Gubernatorial Candidate Forum on Environmental and Social Justice was held on June 17 co-sponsored by Vermont Sierra Club, 350VT, and Vermont Conservation Voters. In case you missed it, view it here.
While Vermont Interfaith Power and Light does not endorse political parties or specific candidates, we do encourage people of faith to be aware, study the issues and evaluate the candidates seeking their vote on the basis of their positions, particularly considering the impact of politicians' actions on Earth and its Climate.
This film from Vermont filmmaker Anne Macksoud is an invitation to do that.
You will see why this is true when you watch
A powerful 30-minute film which is being offered free of charge.
Watch it - Post it - Send it to Friends and Family...
We think it has the potential to change voters' minds.
Here's the link: www.olddogdocumentaries.org
"This is a powerful film"
Bill McKibben
Congregational Watershed Manual Presentations
When life returns to a new normal, we will resume these programs.
When gatherings are again allowed, VTIPL will visit any interested congregation (at no charge) to give a presentation of our Congregational Watershed Manual - either the Christian edition or the Inter religious edition. You can view the manuals at VTIPL's website homepage. The pdfs are attachments near the bottom of the page. Please be in touch if your congregation is interested. Contact VTIPL to make arrangements.
A Renewed Opportunity to View
The Human Element
Interfaith Power & Light is excited to kick off our summer film series with a return of a free online screening of The Human Element, followed by a webinar with renowned filmmaker James Balog.
Over 7,000 people viewed The Human Element during Faith Climate Action Week earlier this year, and to meet the continued requests from the IPL community, the filmmaker has generously offered the film again.
“What an incredible film. It is beautiful and hopeful and eloquent. We protect what we love - what a great way to inspire us to make change to protect our Earth's air, fire, water and land.”
Patty McGrath, Potomac, Maryland
View the film at your leisure between June 8 and June 17. Then join IPL for a 45-minute webinar with filmmaker James Balog on June 17, 8pm Eastern/7pm Central/6pm Mountain/5pm Pacific.
Click here to view a preview, sign up to view the film, AND register separately for the webinar.
In this riveting and visually rich drama, blending art and science, we follow environmental photographer James Balog of Chasing Ice fame as he explores the impact of wildfires, hurricanes, sea level rise, a struggling coal mining community, and our changing air. With rare compassion and heart, The Human Element highlights Americans who are on the front lines of climate change, inspiring us to re-evaluate our relationship with the natural world.
Click here to receive the link to view the film and register separately for the webinar.
Download a free screening guide at the same link with faith-based discussion questions, promotional images, sample newsletter article, and more.
Watch for information about the rest of the powerful films in Interfaith Power & Light’s summer series in upcoming newsletters.
If you enjoyed this film earlier and wished you could have shared it with others - this is your chance! Consider hosting an online discussion with members of your congregation after viewing the film, and bring your questions to the webinar.
Join me as I moderate this conversation with James Balog about his inspiring film.
Rev. Susan Hendershot
May 16-23 is “Laudato Si Week”
This week celebrates the 5th anniversary of the release of the Papal Encyclical, Laudato Si'. Several activities and readings provide an opportunity to explore the key ideas of integral ecology where “The Cry of the Earth, the Cry of the Poor” are seen as unified.
Here is a video in which Pope Francis invites us to celebrate Laudato Si week. (Shared by the Global Catholic Climate Movement.)
A Reflection on Thomas Berry & Pope Francis
VTIPL Board member, Pastor Nancy Wright, presented a paper entitled "Knowing Who and Where We Are Among the White Lilies: The Vision of Thomas Berry and Pope Francis" at a conference at Georgetown University. We are sharing a downloadable pdf of that paper, along with a link to a video of the event where Pastor Nancy read her paper.
Pastor Nancy 0n Laudato Si and Thomas Berry Georgetown U.-10-2019.pdf
Recently Completed Events
VTIPL’s Black History Month Event a Success!
VTIPL Film & discussion
Yemanja: Wisdom from the African Heart of Brazil narrated by Alice Walker

Festival of Yemanjá as celebrated each February in Bahia, Brazil. Photo by Gerald Hoffman
Nearly 60 friends gathered for our virtual event on February 23 to view and discuss the film Yemanja: Wisdom from the African Heart of Brazil. Narrated by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker, the film explores the Afro-indigenous spiritual tradition of Candomblé in Bahia, Brazil, often called the religion of nature. Unique in traditional African religions, many of the most revered Candomblé communities are led by elder Afro-Brazilian women. The film’s director, VTIPL Coordinator Donna Roberts, introduced the film offering some background on the project’s long evolution commencing during her first trip to Brazil in 1997 (for the Rio+5 Forum on Sustainability.)
After the film screening, we were joined by panelists, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Shannon MacVean-Brown, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont, The Rev. Dr. Nancy Wright of Ascension Lutheran Church, and The Rev. Rachel Field of Mission Farm/St. Thomas and Grace Church. An unexpected guest was lawyer and prof. of Africana Studies Dr. Danielle Boaz of University of North Carolina, an expert in religious intolerance and violence in Brazil which she prefers to call religious racism. Dr. Boaz has worked on intolerance against African Diasporic religions for over a decade, focusing in recent years on Brazil because, “things have gotten so bad there.” Most of the violence takes place in Rio vs. Bahia where the film was made, but where it also exists. Bishop Shannon pondered a connection between intolerance/violence targeting Candomblé practitioners and the fact that many of the houses of worship are women-led. Pr. Nancy commented on the connections and common plight of women and nature, as cited by ecofeminists, especially in a patriarchal culture like Brazil with the fragile Amazon being decimated with little to no protection by the government. Rev. Rachel spoke of her interest in how to become more indigenous to a place inspired by the knowledge of plants demonstrated by one woman in the film.
When asked how we can support work to transform the awful situation with violence against practitioners of African religions, Dr. Boaz said, “the most important thing to do at this time is to raise awareness about what is happening. The Brazilian government needs to feel the pressure to do something about this violence; so far, there is not enough outrage from outside Brazil….” Dr. Boaz believes this film also provides “a powerful opportunity to help" raise awareness.
She has an article on religious intolerance in Brazil coming out this summer in the Journal of Africana Religions. Her book, Banning Black Gods, will be available in hardcover next month.
The film Yemanja: Wisdom from the African Heart of Brazil is available OnDemand or DVD via www.yemanjathefilm.com
Additional resources related to Candomblé:
- Dr. Boaz’s website: https://www.religiousracism.org/brazil
- International Commission to Combat Religious Racism Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/africanareligiousfreedom
- A Refuge in Thunder: Candomblé & Alternative Spaces of Blackness, by Rachel E. Harding. 2000. Indiana University Press.
- Women and Religion in the African Diaspora: Knowledge, Power, and Performance. Eds. R. Marie Griffith & Barbara Dianne Savage. 2006. The Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Sacred Leaves of Candomblé: African Magic, Medicine, and Religion in Brazil,Robert A. Voeks. 1997. University of Texas Press.
- An open access article Dr, Boaz recently published about the evangelized drug traffickers in Rio attacking Afro-brazilian religious communities. https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/11/12/640?type=check_update&version=2
Faith Climate Action Day a Big Success!

Members of our group meeting with Senate President Tim Ashe
(Review by VTIPL Board Member and Faith Climate Action Day organizer Richard Butz)
On February 20, 2020, more than 50 members of Vermont Interfaith Power & Light, and Vermont Interfaith Action (VIA) spiritual communities gathered at the State House in Montpelier to meet with our lawmakers to urge them to support the Global Warming Solutions Act.
The day was an amazing experience beginning with policy briefings and tips on talking to our legislators led by Sen. Chris Pearson and Vermont Conservation Voters’ Lauren Hierl. That was followed by a press conference, then group and one-on-one meetings with legislators including Chris Bray, Chair of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy, House Speaker Mitzi Johnson, and Senate President pro tempore Tim Ashe.
A highlight of the day was the press conference in the historic Cedar Creek Room where The Right Rev. Thomas Ely, Rev. Jane Dwinell, Rev. Daniel Cooperrider, Harris Webster (representing VIA), Rep. Sarah Copeland Hanzas, and UVM student Morgan Dreibelbis spoke from the perspectives of their traditions and their hearts. Morgan’s comments, a member of the generation that will inherit the climate we’re leaving behind, are now posted on our website. Other speakers’ remarks will also be posted there soon.
The icing on the cake was the vote on the bill - the Global Warming Solutions Act. Expected to garner around 95 votes, the bill passed with the veto-proof majority of 105 - 37 and a voice vote on the second reading the next day. What a victory that we can share! We filled the capitol with our energy and it was noticed.
This is just the beginning. The bill must pass the Senate and then on to the governor. There are three more bills to follow if we put the entire suite
together, so expect more emails and calls to action as we work together to stand up for God’s Creation. Together, we can do this! Special thanks to our co-sponsors VPIRG and Vermont Interfaith Action, as well as retired VTIPL Coordinator Betsy Hardy, new Coordinator Donna Roberts, VTIPL President Ron McGarvey, and Rev. Dick Hibbert for all their work to make this happen.

UVM Student and member of Ascension Lutheran Church of South Burlington Morgan Dreibelbis addressing the Press Conference
Additional information and more photos can be seen at: Faith Climate Action Day
Join IPL's Love Made Visible Climate March online!
Out of our love and care for our neighbors, and to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, IPL invites you to share your climate march sign on social media during Faith Climate Action Week April 17-26 to continue bringing awareness to the climate crisis.
Faith Climate Action Week's theme is "Love Made Visible: Engaging in Sacred Activism" to protect the people we love who are most impacted by climate change.
People are more vulnerable to COVID-19 in communities where there are high levels of air pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels. We need to continue to fight for clean air especially in light of the present pandemic.
So we urge you to creatively use your digital networks to take part in the Love Made Visible Climate March. Invite all members of your congregation to take part! Post to your congregation's social media channels, and to your own as well.
STEP ONE: Make your sign. Find inspiration in the faith-based messages and images from IPL leaders from across the nation who took part in last September's Climate March in the Sacred Activism Art Guide. Or download and print a simple black and white sign with the Love Made Visible logo to decorate.
STEP TWO: Take a photo of yourself with your sign.
STEP THREE: Post to social media with the hashtag #FCAW or #FaithClimateActionWeek, and don't forget to tag @interfaithpowerandlight on FB and @interfaithpower on Twitter
Download the Sacred Activism Art Guide and sample signs here.
If you don't have access to sign making materials, choose from the beautiful "For Love of..." social media images made by NC IPLer Sarah Ogletree to post to your social media with #FCAW or #FaithClimateActionWeek between April 17-26.
During this time of crisis, let's remember that we have the power to create awareness and advocate for change that will benefit all life.